UA Miracle Rave Hour



Every year, the UA community comes together in celebration of the Miracle Kids at Children’s of Alabama, their families and the incredible efforts of our Miracle Makers. For 12 hours this February 15, 2025, UA Miracle will join hundreds of others all across the country and stand in solidarity to change kids health and change the future. One day we’ll dance in celebration, but until then, we will stand for a cure. So, stand with us; stand with this generation fighting for the next! Join us and help make miracles by registering today to become a Miracle Maker!

Miracle Maker

Miracle Maker registration is open all year long and gives you access to the best party of the year – BAMAthon, where we stand and fundraise in support of those who can’t. Miracle Makers have the opportunity to attend full body meetings before each push day and participate in all Special Events throughout the year to get connected with over 1500 other students on campus. This is a great opportunity to start getting involved in UA Miracle with no stress and low time commitment. Miracle Makers are given all resources to be successful on push days and are included in weekly updates to stay connected and involved with UA Miracle throughout the entire year.

Do you want to help make miracles?