UA Miracle Mini Marathon

High Schools

High Schools

UA Miracle is always looking to spread our passion for giving back in fun and exciting ways to Alabama high school students. If your high school is interested in getting involved with us in any way big or small, please do not hesitate to reach out to us! We work with high school students, staff, and administrators to help you host events and philanthropic programs that work for your school. If interested, please reach out to our Vice President of Programming Alyssa Pumariega,

Why Dance Marathon

  • We’re different. Dance Marathon is a unique opportunity for students to be directly involved in making a difference that we seek to make. What we do changes lives.
  • Dance Marathon and CMN our organizations that remain relevant throughout your whole life. Whether you go on to get involved in Dance Marathon in college or have a friend that is treated at a CMN Hospital, the miracles we make now have a phenomenal impact, will last a lifetime, and will be present no matter where you go in life.
  • As an organization that is 100% student led, it provides valuable leadership and service opportunities for all students involved.
  • Dance Marathon offers relevant career experience in event planning, fundraising, interpersonal relations, corporate partnerships, and teamwork. It’s something you can talk about in any college essay and build a resume around.
  • Dance Marathon is the largest growing philanthropy in the nation.
  • In the past five years, nationwide philanthropy suffered a 9% decrease in funding, but Dance Marathon funding increased by an astonishing 140%.
  • It’s an opportunity to make friends you’ll have for a lifetime all the while serving others!
  • Not to mention, it’s a party with a purpose!

How To Get Involved

Dance Marathon prides itself on working with your school to help you find the partnership route that works for you! Whether it be by starting a student team, hosting a community service project benefitting UA Miracle and Children’s of Alabama, or starting a Mini Marathon of your very own, we have ideas and ways to help you make it happen!

Start a High School Mini Marathon

Get a group of passionate students together and let them register, fundraise, and attend our events through out the year to learn what UA Miracle is all about.

Host Community Service Events

  • Make craft kits for the kids at the hospital
  • Make rosary beads for the kids
  • Sponsor a student fundraising competition
  • Make cards for the kids
  • Fill goodie bags for the kids
  • Make stuffed animals for the kids
  • Host a Parent’s Day Off benefitting UA Miracle

Host a Mini-Marathon at your High School

A mini Dance Marathon is a smaller version of the University of Alabama Dance Marathon held at the high school level benefitting UA Miracle. The high-school is guided by UA Miracle staff in determining the duration, event structure, and all the steps needed for the event to be a success.

The event is structured similarly to a university marathon so students will foster the same fellowship with their peers, garner hands-on experience with the kids and families they are helping, hear the inspirational stories, teach their own line dance, listen to music, eat delicious food, and participate in competitive games the same way they would at UA Miracle’s Main Event.


If you are interested in getting your high school involved with UA Miracle in any way, or if you have any questions, please feel free to contact our Vice President of Programming Alyssa Pumariega,