Students sitting next to "Cure" sign



For UA Miracle, the journey does not have to end at graduation. UA Miracle is a life-long commitment to philanthropic service and leadership. Every year, UA Miracle has continuously grown because of the support that it receives from the university and its student body. Being an alumni, you too can help make a difference in the lives of children. A donation to UA Miracle is not only impacting the lives of children and the families affected by pediatric illness, alumni supporters are exemplifying to UA students that you can make a miracle wherever you go in life and whatever you choose to do after graduation

Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It’s not.

Dr. Seuss, The Lorax

What started in a small gym in the Rec Center over 13 years ago raising $14,952.18, has flourished into over $2.5 million raised for Children’s of Alabama, becoming the largest student-run philanthropic organization on campus. While UA Miracle has grown to incredible heights, our mission and goals remain the same – to conquer pediatric illness. Whether you have experienced UA Miracle in the Rec Center, Bryant Conference Center, or The Student Center, you are a part of a program that has become a long standing tradition on the UA campus. Together, part of the UA Miracle Alumni Association: Miracle League, we will continue to make a difference in the lives of children.

Miracle League

After graduation and leaving UA, we want our alumni to still have ways to engage with our program. With this in mind, we have opened up a new opportunity in Miracle League for alumni to stay engaged and help from where ever you are located! You can follow this link that will take you to a form if you would like us to contact you and talk about the details of joining. With an annual fifty donation, you can stay apart of making miracles and help support students like you soar to new heights.

Reconnect to UA Miracle

You can also reconnect with our organization by visiting our DonorDrive page. Each page is customized to directly credit your donation to your selected team or individual, and you can search teams to help. We also encourage and would love for our Alumni to attend our yearly end event, BAMAthon. If you would like more details about BAMAthon, or are planning on attending, please reach out to our Vice President of Programming Alyssa Pumariega, This year, BAMAthon will take place on February 15, 2025 and we hope to see you there!


If you have any questions about how to get involved or joining our Alumni Society: Miracle League, please reach out to our Vice President of Internal Operations Sarah Chapman,