Big Al at Bamathon

Team Structures and Job Descriptions

Team Structures and Job Descriptions

UA Miracle is led by an incredible group of committed students here at the Capstone. Read here to learn more about our current leadership team and ways to contact specific positions.


Hayden Phillips

The president of UA Miracle is the driving force behind our organization’s mission, both within our campus community and beyond. As the Team Leader for UA Miracle, the president collaborates with all areas of campus and the community to ensure that we meet our fundraising objectives, and foster inclusivity and collaboration in all different areas. Our president works to establish joy in the relationships of our members, which is why internally, UA Miracle is so special. The President leads by example, working closely with the Executive Board, Directors, and Staff Members to keep everyone aligned and prepared throughout the duration of our year. Beyond serving UA Miracle, the president also serves as a Team Leader in the Center for Service and Leadership, where they serve, volunteer, and educate others about the transformative power of service. This role underscores the president’s dedication to make a tangible difference in the lives of others, both within the organization and into the broader community. The president works to remain true to the core values of UA Miracle, and is approachable and willing to engage with others. The president welcomes questions and conversations about UA Miracle, embodying the spirit of inclusivity and openness that defines our organization. #MAKEAMIRACLE

No directors reporting to the position.

Vice President of Advancement

Sydney Clements

Job Description

The Vice President of Advancement will work year-round to promote and secure partnerships, in-kind donations, and BAMAthon specific items. This position will head up the sponsorship drive throughout the earlier part of the UA Miracle year. This position will work closely with the Director of Community Partnerships to secure a variety of partnerships including sponsorships and in-kind donations within the local Tuscaloosa community. This position will also work closely with the Director of Grants to apply for grants and sponsorships at the corporate level. Sponsorships and our overall business relations is a pivotal aspect of UA Miracle’s foundation and this position is crucial in starting and maintaining these business partnerships.

Directors Reporting To This Position

Vice President of Communications

Briana Jackson

Job Description

This position will work closely with both the President and Center for Service and Leadership Social Media Team Leader in creating a cohesive brand for UA Miracle. The Vice President of Communication will oversee all directors and work closely with everyone in this sector as well as the Executive Board as a whole. This position will also work specifically with the Director of Merchandise and JnJ to have a complete calendar of merchandise for all events. This position will work towards an internal merchandise line including staff shirts and other fun apparel that is intentional and deliberate when connecting back to the overall cohesive brand. This position is also responsible for working with the President and Strategic Communications throughout the year for articles about UA Miracle which are included in the Presidents Newsletter and online sources. Lastly, this position will work specifically with the Director of Public Relations to ensure that the brand presented throughout the year is accurately conveyed on all social media platforms including but not limited to Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and Tik Tok.

Directors Reporting To This Position

Vice President of External Operations

Matt Perkins

Job Description

The Vice President of External Operations is responsible for all external recruitment and engagement, and tabling on push days throughout the UA Miracle year. This position will work throughout the early part of the UA Miracle year to strategically onboard miracle makers. From here this position will work with the Director of Recruitment and Director of Logistics to have a seamless tabling plan for each push day and for special events. This position will also work with the VP of Special Events and other Executive Board members to promote external engagement at all UA Miracle Events.

Directors Reporting To This Position

Vice President of Finance and Fundraising

Ally Rodrigues

Job Description

The Vice President of Finance and Fundraising is responsible for working closely with National Advisors, Campus Advisors, and the President to track and analyze all accounts receivable and payable. This position will set a budget for each sector at the beginning of the year, working with the entire Executive Board. All money spent will be brought to the Executive Board meeting for approval before purchases, but will be up for discussion by the entire board before approval. This position will work closely with the Director of Fundraising to produce fun and creative ideas for fundraising aspects on push days as well as any other fundraising centered things throughout the year. This position will also work closely in cross communication with the VP of Special Events and their directors for fundraising specific events.

Directors Reporting To This Position

Vice President of Internal Operations

Sarah Chapman

Job Description

The Vice President of Internal Operations will be responsible for monitoring, tracking, and engaging all internal staff. This position will take minutes at all Executive Board meetings and will be responsible for sending weekly emails to Full Staff, BoD, and exec. This position will work closely with the Next Gen to engage freshman students and have an all-encompassing Next Gen curriculum that sets freshman up for success within this program. This position will work with the Director of Membership to host fun staff bonding events throughout the year as well as alumni events. Alumni is a key element for our organization and throughout the next year we would love to create an advisory board and better overall relations with this section of UA Miracle through this director and Executive Board position. Finally, this position will be in charge of tracking all attendance throughout the year for meetings and events in addition to helping to create an overall engaging and exciting environment for all internal staff.

Directors Reporting To This Position

Vice President of Miracles

Maddie Wieringa

Job Description

The Vice President of Miracles will be responsible for all communications with the hospital and miracle families. This position will work throughout the year to advocate for the hospital year-round throughout all events and environments. This position will gather relevant facts and information throughout the year that can be used for fun events and facts during events. This position will also work to give all staff members and as many teams as possible an opportunity to tour Children’s of Alabama throughout the year. This position will work closely with the Director of Miracle Family Events to open miracle kid applications in the spring and have a media day in the early fall. From here this position will work to have as many miracle family events throughout the year where families can meet and mingle with each other. This position will be the main contact for all the families that are a part of our miracle kid program.

Directors Reporting To This Position

Vice President of Programming

Alyssa Pumariega

Job Description

The Vice President of Programming will be responsible for overseeing and helping with all BAMAthon and Mini Marathon preparations. This position will work with the Director of BAMAthon throughout the entire year to have a meaningful and impactful main event that engages staff, miracle makers, and miracle families. This position is also responsible for helping to create the entire BAMAthon schedule including special guests and specific details within the event. This position will also work with the Director of Mini Marathons to promote and pitch this experience to new high schools while working with our existing minis to become bigger and better than ever before.

Directors Reporting To This Position

Vice President of Special Events

Anna Bobruff

Job Description

The Vice President of Special Events will be involved in outreach and fundraising events. The goal for UA Miracle is to create intentional and meaningful key events throughout the year in these sectors that will appeal to the student body. This position will work with the Director of Special Events to plan events throughout the year specifically tailored to recruitment and advocacy of Children’s of Alabama. These events will be accessible for all students and designed to promote the overall UA Miracle experience outside of fundraising. This position will also work closely with the Director of Event Sponsorships to help with securing sponsorships in our event planning process. This will include incorporating businesses and organizations in the Tuscaloosa Community into our cause, and allowing them to see the tangible difference UA Miracle is making.

Directors Reporting To This Position