Frequently Asked Questions

Please contact us if you have additional questions.

What is UA Miracle?

UA Miracle is the all-encompassing name attributed to the student-led effort to provide emotional support and research for children and families treated at Children’s of Alabama. It enlists the support of many students and community partners across Tuscaloosa, who participate by personal fundraising, attending several fundraising events throughout the year, and sponsoring major events. UA Miracle’s staff consists of a executive board, directors and staff members who work towards the administration, promotion, organization and additional fundraising for all of the events throughout the program year. The efforts culminate into BAMAthon, our year end event, where we celebrate our hard work with students, community members, and our miracle families.

How do we know our contributions are going directly to them?

All funds raised benefit Children’s of Alabama. More specifically, the funds will be used to provide support and care for the children and their families. All pledges given online go directly to Children’s of Alabama through our Donor Drive website. Monetary donations given in the form of cash and check are directly deposited into a bank account on UA’s campus which is monitored by the Vice President of Finance and Fundraising for UA Miracle and a faculty advisor.

Who can participate? Do I need to be a UA student?

Anyone can make a UA Miracle Donor Drive and participate in the year round fundraising initiative through the UA Miracle Donor Drive. We also have multiple events and opportunities for the community to get involved through sponsorships and active participation.

How can I become involved? Is there a way I can help if I can’t attend?

There are several different ways to be involved with UA Miracle. One opportunity for UA students is through joining one of the UA Miracle staff committees that help organize, plan and fundraise on behalf of UA Miracle throughout the program year. As members of other student organizations across campus, students can become involved by registering their organization as an official UA Miracle team. Teams can consist of registered student organizations, a floor or a residence hall, or even just a group of five friends who want to help our cause!

What do I do with the money once it is collected?

All online donations through Donor Drive go directly to the hospital. Cash, checks and Bama Cash must be turned in the day of the event. UA Miracle staff will collect any donations to put in the bank account at any time during the year.

How long are we allowed to fundraise?

Individuals can fundraise and turn in funds up until the end of the day at BAMAthon which will be February 15, 2025 this year. Miracle Maker Registration is currently open and money can be deposited into your account as soon as your register through the UA Miracle DonorDrive.

Is my credit card information secure?

Yes, all donations completed through UA Miracle’s online fundraising program and website are secured.

How do I make offline donations?

If you don’t feel comfortable making a donation online, please feel free to reach out to UA Miracle at the phone number or email provided at the bottom of each page and let us know that you would like to support our efforts with cash or physical check. Fundraising pages also track “offline” donations, so you will receive credit for your contribution.